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Elke Muche
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For permission to teach the model, please contact the copyright holder.
79539 Lörrach
About Elke
I began folding in my teenage days and returned to it after a career in event management. As my skills grew, I moved away from traditional figurative objects and pursued an experimental, abstract approach.
A stay of several years in Japan, learning about the culture and language, taught me how much a single ink stroke can say, how much a single fold can change, how delightful the purity of a successful shape can be. It is probably this Japanese mindfulness borrowed from Zen as a basic attitude, the involvement with the sheet in front of me, which gives the emerging objects their floating grace.
Through my works, I try to create new perspectives for alternative orientation.
A stay of several years in Japan, learning about the culture and language, taught me how much a single ink stroke can say, how much a single fold can change, how delightful the purity of a successful shape can be. It is probably this Japanese mindfulness borrowed from Zen as a basic attitude, the involvement with the sheet in front of me, which gives the emerging objects their floating grace.
Through my works, I try to create new perspectives for alternative orientation.