
The CFC was established in 2016, by Bernie Peyton, Nicolas Terry, and Ilan Garibi. At the start, it was all about a convention focused on helping origami creators to become better, in whatever they do. After the first CFC, (2017), in Lyon, and the second in Zaragoza, (2020), with the Covid pandemic, it was necessary to expand the focal point of the CFC, and it became a community for creators.

In mid-2020, Michael Shannon built the CFC site, to support the community activities.

Our Aim

CFC will support the global origami community by improving the success rate of all origami projects, either by origami creators, origami groups, or folders.

  • For creators, our aim is to improve their individual success, in the artistic and economic fields, allowing high-level exchange of information and ideas between them.
  • For groups, our aim is to allow access to all creators and to present their events to the folding community.
  • For folders, our aim is to allow interaction with the creators and to be updated with the latest origami news, books, diagrams, events, etc.

Who We Are

The CFC site was created and is maintained by Michael Shannon.

CFC Staff
Miguel Ganan - News and Call for Artists 
Wojtek Burczyk - World origami calendar
Dasa Severova - CfC meetings, Instagram account
Ynon Toledano - Members and registration
Andrés Sánchez - Newsletter
Guy Loel - administration and mailing list

Miguel Ganan - Manager
Maria A Costa - Director
Cekouat Elim León Peralta - Director

CFC Management
Ilan Garibi and Nicolas Terry