7ª Convención Nacional de Origami Argentina 2024
Sede/Site: Centro Mariápolis, Alta Gracia, Córdoba.
Inscripción: Asociados $50.000 / No Asociados $75.000 (hasta el 30/6).
Para Asociados y No Asociados extranjeros, el costo es su equivalente en U$S.
Nos vamos a hospedar en el mismo lugar de la convención (los costos son aparte) por lo que tendremos muchos espacios de plegado al paso y charlas.
Inscription: members of OA $50.000 ARS / non members $75.000 ARS (until june 30th)
For foreign participants, the cost is the equivalent in USD.
This year, we´ll host the convention in the same place as the accomodation and meals (aditional costs not included in inscription fee). We´ll have many spaces and tome to fold and chat between workshops.
Alta Gracia