T25 Pallava Nakshatra
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Pallava Nakshatra brings the beautiful leaf element at the edges of the modular nakshatras aka stars. Pallava in Sanskrit means "a leaf". The shape, size, and the colour changes in the leaf can be varied by a small set of changes in the mountain or valley fold in the initial step of the folding sequence. The leaf can open to a fan structure on its other extreme. The fan-structured Nakshatra is named Vayu Nakshatra. Vaayu means “wind” in Sanskrit. Other than this, a bit of added material with a similar folding sequence helps in changing the direction of the fan or the leaf with respect to the body.
The simple folding sequence yet producing a mesmerizing nakshatra with multi-fold variations makes me believe that the nakshatra deserves a Technical Award under the Joisel Award categories. The Nakshatra also further allows for multiple colour changes at different parts of the Nakshatra.