FP10 Versailles series
Return to EntriesInstead of a proposal for a folding sequence, I would like to propose a sequence of folding sequences. While the first models in this series were created some time ago, the final touch was done in 2021 resulting in several new works, so I believe the proposal qualifies for the 2021 award. The first folding sequence is interesting itself and unusual for modular origami where a highly symmetrical folding sequence and crease pattern is the most common case. Then the initial sequence is modified by the parametrization of particular steps. While such an approach is adopted by other origami artists they usually change the length of a basic object or relative position of the molecules, the artist smoothly changes angles used in the folding sequence (angles between the consecutive folds). Discovering step by step angles to be parametrized and pushing the boundaries of the initial construction results in a variety of diversified designs and leads to free-folding modular designs. This application contains photos of some models designed with the method as well as an article describing the method in detail. The article itself contains links to the diagrams (specific sequences of folds) of the models created with the application of the described method. To cover undiagrammed spectrum of possibilities a simulator/generator of creating patterns is also linked to the article (Geogebra files). Have fun and fold your own Versailles kusudama.