Artist residency – Acadia national park Maine Usa (Deadine Sept 30, 2023)

Posted On: August 2, 2023


The Artist-in-Residence (AiR) program at Acadia National Park in Maine invites participants to take part in self-directed and fully immersive experiences that lead to the creation of new ways for visitors to experience the park through the arts. The program in 2024 will provide each of four selected artists with a $1,000 stipend and travel subsidy.

Participants are offered a total of 14 nights of park-provided housing, which participants may choose to break up over multiple visits and seasons through the calendar year. Housing options may include apartments at the Schoodic Institute (available year-round), a remote ranger cabin at Isle au Haut (available June to October) and rooms in the Brown Mountain Gatehouse (available November into April).

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