2021 Lewton-Brain Foldform Competition (Deadline Oct 10, 2021)

Posted On: October 4, 2021


Entry fee: $25

This event is a survey of the evolution of foldforming as it is applied in the world today in jewelry, sculpture, architecture, functional objects, and unexpected applications. Judges look for a well-crafted use of foldforming techniques in the metal arts, in a fully realized work, with points for excellence of execution and bold explorations. Complexity carries weight, but so does creativity and fresh expression. Artists are often recognized for simple folds that are deftly repeated, used in mixed media, or combined with other metal techniques. And prize-winners from previous years are asked to introduce substantive change or evolution in their new entries.

Submit up to three pieces of work using foldforming techniques in the metal arts, with up to two images (views) per piece. Mixed media pieces are welcome if a major component of the work is foldforming in metal.
