Twist on Tiwst (Tessellation and more 2)
As a second volume after “Twist and Tess”, this book explores tessellations with stacked twists. Book starts with a review of the basic tessellation concepts.
It continues with a catalogue of twists, with diagrams and instructions to fold each one. It begins with the single twists, including some rare ones (pentagon and teardrop twists). Next, we analyse stacked twists that combine single twists with another twists or pleat underneath, also with diagrams and folding instructions.
- Molecules with triangle twists
- Molecules with square twists
- Molecules with hexagon twists
- Molecules with multiple twists
- Molecules with twist over pleats
- 3D molecules with twists over pleats
The third chapter contains detailed folding instructions for 20 of my own tessellation models, using some of the previous molecules. Last chapters contain two boxes and one brooch with tessellations.
Scattered between the different models, the reader can see hand drawn diagrams by Felipe Moreno. At the end of the book, there are several appendices, such as a small english-spanish origami dictionary, the symbol guide for those used in the book and several references related to tessellations.