ORIGAMI STARS: 23 Modular Stars
In this book you will find inspiration to explore the wonderful world of modular origami.
Do you know what it is about? it’s the kind of origami in which you fold a certain number of modules to be assembled creating something that might look complex, but it isn’t always like that.
Sometimes the models are three dimensional and other times are flat, like the ones I invite you to fold. These 23 stars can make up a lovely constellation in the sky in a magical night.
On these pages you will find the step by step instructions of each design, with colorful illustrations that will allow and guide you to achieve each of the stars you choose. They can be made with square, rectangular or triangular paper shapes. In each model, you can always follow the instructions and explanations with a very clear and accessible symbols, even for those who have little experience with origami.
Modular origami is so attractive because when you advance folding the designs, you increase your skills and confidence, and always end up falling in love with the work in your hands.
Welcome to the world of Modular Origami! Enjoy this wonderful art and fold the beautiful Stars that I have created with so much joy.
Sneak Peek